thinking thinker.

she's just doing what she like

My photo
seorang anak yang terlahir kurus dan mungil, tapi sekarang berakhir gemuk dan bongsor. sejauh ini, catatan kriminalnya masih kosong dan bersih.

Monday, January 11, 2010

hormon, oh hormon

beberapa hari ini saya selalu kelaparan setiap pagi. ga biasa-biasanya. kelaparannya kayak belum makan dari lahir, LAPAR SEKALI!

hari ini, biasa. hormon saya kumat lagi. saya mengalami kelaparan yang teramat sangat luar biasa. mungkin dikarenakan kemarin saya makan terakhir jam 5 sore. biarpun porsinya porsi kuli bangunan, tapi tetep aja terakhir memasukkan makanan ke mulut jam 5 sore. udah gitu, pagi ini saya nyetor ke tuan jendral Toto. makin kosong lah perut saya yang udah kayak celengan.

seperti biasa, saya selalu dibawakan bekal dari rumah untuk makan siang. karena perut saya kurang ajar meraung-raung minta makan dan kuping saya mulai berdesing, akhirnya dengan perasaan ga tega saya memperkosa bekal makan siang saya ~ nasi dan ayam. nikmat. dalam 10 menit kotak makan saya licin seperti baru.

tapi... oh no! saya masih lapar sekali. nasi dan ayam tadi habis tanpa berarti apa-apa, mereka kandas hanya bernilai seperti sebungkus chiki yang melempem. saya lari ke pantry kantor, kalap nyari camilan. yah tentu saja tidak ada. akhirnya, saya buat 1 mug milo kental.

semoga awet hingga jam makan siang nanti lah. masa saya harus lari ke cirlce K depan beli pop mie sih?

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Friend comes first

you may be popular,
you may have a lot of friends,
you may attend the urban events,
you may have many peoples laugh on your joke

but at the end
you can always, always count your besties.

love you At and Yo. you guys already like super sister to me. BFF!

Monday, December 28, 2009

we're just a human.

Tuhanku bila hati kawanku
Terluka oleh tingkah ujarku
Dan kehendakku jadi panduku

Jikalau tuturku tak semena
Dan aku tolak orang berkesah
Pikiran dan tuturku bercela

Dan hari ini aku bersembah
Serta padaMu Bapa berserah
Berikan daku kasihMu mesra
Amin, amin

~taken from KJ 467

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Madam Asshole

once upon a time, we are three persons which become one. there are always you, you and me ~ us!

but then the time goes by, we are changing.
we got new friend, new activity, new responsibility... new life.

i miss you, and you said the same things.
i want to meet you, and you said the same things.
but funny, still there's no way for us to meet each others.

then. i seem to lost you.

but then the time goes by, we are changing.
we got new friend, new activity, new responsibility... new life.

"you are my best friend", i said.
"you are my best friend, and i hope you understand that i also have a boyfriend", you said.

then. i lost you again.

but then the time goes by, we are changing.
we got new friend, new activity, new responsibility... new life.

"hey wanna watch a movie? its been a while since we are able hanging out together", i said.
"nah. i'm not in the mood", you said.

then. i lost you.

my friend told me once,
"friend doesnt have to be possesive. you kill your friendship"

but honey, honey, i dont know what to say. you're such being a asshole nowadays. oh dear one, even you future-boyfriend appreciates your friend better than you.

well... baby, you don't know what've you got, 'till it's gone.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Dear Boss,

Please don't ruin my birthday...

Friday, November 20, 2009

for my birthday -

i want him

and his album

please? please?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009



she reads.

  • Japan Flags - Illustration by Noemi Sunshine Ferst available at Japan Flags In a modest effort to raise funds for Japan, several illustrators, including myself, have ba...
  • Moving To Tumblr - Photo: Me by Fab the Pool Boy In a final attempt to salvage this blog, I have decided to moved it to Tumblr which will enable me to upload more content, m...